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Tougenkyo-Iya Project

「桃源郷祖谷の山里」は、プロデューサーであるAlex Kerr(アレックス・カー)のもと、祖谷の空き家を利用したステイ事業を柱としたプロジェクトです。それは失われゆく日本の山里の美しさや伝統を、今にあった形で、持続可能なものとして残していこうとするものです。
"The mountain village of Tougenkyo-Iya” is a project centering on stay-business which makes efficient use of the empty houses in Iya under Alex Kerr, who is a producer of this project.
It means that we try to leave the beauty of the mountain village and heritage in Japan which have been lost. We are also going to keep them as a sustainable thing having use of current methods.

Rural Revitalization and Wellbeing Project


In 2008, the Japanese government awarded the Rural Revitalization and Wellbeing Project Grant to East Iya for the purpose of exploring sustainable tourism in the valley. The grant involved a number of studies and workshops, in which Chiiori Trust and several other local organizations participated.

One of the most exciting workshops involved a thatched-roof repair in November 2008. Led by professional thatcher, Ogawa Takeshi 小川 剛史, villagers and Chiiori volunteers climbed up onto the roof and pushed in fresh thatch to reinforce some of the most damaged areas. Click here to watch a music slideshow of the roof repair.


Japan Traditional Life Culture Fund


From December 2009, Alex has been working with Felissimo Co of Kobe to produce a series of mamesara まめ皿 (small plates), from 12 different kilnsites, to be delivered to Felissimo customers each month. Each mamesara comes with an booklet with photos and essays by Alex explaining the history and appeal of each type of ceramic.

As part of this project, Felissimo has created a new fund to which its customers can subscribe, called Japan Traditional Life Culture Fund 日本伝統生活文化基金 . The proceeds for the first year will go to Chiiori Trust.

Click for more information on the mamesara and the Japan Traditional Life Culture Fund.


West Awa Tourism Council


協 議 会 名:にし阿波観光圏協議会(26団体)
計 画 期 間:平成20年10月〜平成25年3月

The old name for the feudal fief that later became Tokushima Prefecture was Awa 阿波. As part of the national government's tourism efforts, the towns of Miyoshi-shi 三好市, Mima-shi 美馬市, Higashi Miyoshi-cho 東三好町, and Tsurugi-cho 剣町 created a new tourism district known as the West Awa Tourism Council.

Chiiori Trust has helped create an English-language pamphlet for the Oboke-Iya area 大歩危・祖谷 , and hosted visiting foreign travel experts invited by the prefecture and the West Awa Tourism Council.